However, the profile through the day shows that the REF group was able to recover the BT during the afternoon-evening and remained more or less constant the following night (Figure 3a)

However, the profile through the day shows that the REF group was able to recover the BT during the afternoon-evening and remained more or less constant the following night (Figure 3a). populations exhibited a protective effect on the allergic asthma rat model as evidenced by means of a partial protection against anaphylactic response and, above all, in the synthesis of IgE and the release of mast cell protease. Keywords: anaphylaxis, asthma, IgE, leukotriene, mast cell protease, methylxanthines, motor activity, polyphenols, temperature, L.) cultivated under a tropical climate, as in the North of Peru and South of Ecuador, which are considered as being the center of the origin and genetic diversity of cocoa [27,28], may include populations with different biological effects, such as those on the immune system reported so far. Thus, the present study aimed to ascertain the anti-allergic properties of Peruvian cocoa populations, firstly using an in vitro approach to select the most active populations and secondly using an in vivo study focused on the induction of an anaphylactic response associated with allergic asthma in Brown Norway rats. 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Cocoa Population Characterization Pastes made with beans from four Peruvian cocoa populations were used: Blanco de Piura (BPC) from the Piura region (latitude/longitude ?5.270248, ?79.964108), Amazonas Peru (APC) from the Amazonas region (?5.737422, ?78.431114), Criollo de Monta?a (CMC) from the Junn region (?11.335774, ?74.533181), and Chuncho (CCC) from the Cusco region (?12.510664, ?73.834577). As reference cocoa, CCN-51 ordinary cocoa paste from the same area as the CCC was included. With the exception of the CCN-51, these are the populations of Peruvian cocoa considered to be fine or flavor cocoa (Article 39, ICA, 2010) [29], and due to their morpho-agronomic and sensory properties, they are best known and characterized for their use in making high quality artisan chocolates [30,31]. The cocoa samples were obtained under prior informed consent (PIC), in agreement and signed with farmers, and in accordance with the Nagoya Protocol spirit of sharing the benefits arising from the utilization of genetic resources [32,33]. BPC comes from a coastal area, facing the Pacific Sea. It develops in a dry and warm environment, but Saridegib under irrigation and neutral loamy soils. The other cocoa populations are found on the eastern side of Saridegib the Andes, in the Amazon, and they develop in rain fed on acidic and clay loam soils. The cocoa pastes were made at the place of origin, based on a common protocol. Biochemical analysis, which was performed in triplicate, began Saridegib with 100% pure cocoa paste. 2.1.1. Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant ActivityThe extraction of bioactive compounds from the different cocoa samples was carried out using the methodology proposed by Pedan et al. [34], with minor modifications. The cocoa paste was heated in a water bath until it Saridegib reached a liquid state. To remove lipids, 20 mL of each sample was placed in Rabbit Polyclonal to GIT2 a 250 mL flask and 80 mL of n-hexane was added (5 min at 20 C) and then centrifuged (2880 = 9 animals/group): the healthy reference group (REF) and asthmatic group (A) were both fed with the standard diet, and the three asthmatic groups received the OC, APC and CMC diets, respectively (CC, APC and CMC groups). The animals had free access to the experimental Saridegib diet and water. The body weight and food and water intake were monitored every 2C3 days throughout the study. The Appraising Project Offices program from the Universidad Miguel Hernndez de Elche (Alicante,.