J., Hassanali S., Hughes I., Munoz L., Palma H. We present that neutralizing activity is nearly entirely directed towards the
Synthesis and Structure–Activity of Wee1 inhibitors
Wee1 inhibitor
J., Hassanali S., Hughes I., Munoz L., Palma H. We present that neutralizing activity is nearly entirely directed towards the
Tissue Eng Part A. p-Akt levels were detected using western blotting analysis. The binding between PLC1 and Akt was assessed
There are two NAT isoenzymes (NAT1 and NAT2), and different polymorphisms have been described in different ethnic groups[16]. the host
Cell Biol. were observed at 12 months for oral/DXM and oral/M group calves. Immunoblot analyses with a whole-cell sonicate of